Sat 04 Jan
Missy wants to plaY (SMALLER bbw) LOCAL 1/2 HOURS RATES - 28
(South Coast, outcalls all over 24/44/495/)
[ PRETTY ♥ FACE] --[ KiLLeR ♥ CuRvEs] --[ 1OO% REAL PiCS ] --[ EXoTiC TREAT! ] - 22
(Randolph, Randolph off rt. 93/139 INCALL)
***Melanie*** Im Y0uR #1Ch0ice ♥ Pr€ttY ♥ F@C€ ♥ Sm@LL W@IsT ♥ JuIcY BØØTY ♥ Mixd LatinA B0mbshelL - 21
(Brockton, Rand0lph/Br0ckt0n//East0n//BridgWater)
-:¦:- ___N_E_W _ -:¦:-__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____* A *_____ M_U_S_T_ -:¦:-__ S_E_E ___ -:¦:- - - 21
- Guess who's Back ?! * Nevaeh * rdy for some Fun before Work ? I'm the one to call ;) - 24
(Fall River incall, South Coast)
^~•♥•~^~ ~^~ ╠╣ E•♥•ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~•♥•~^ DReAMs BeCoME ReAlitY!! - 21 - 21
(South Coast, INCALL HYANNIS/outcalls cape cod)
L O O K ♥—————N E W ————♥————S E X Y ————♥B L O N D E - 21
(South Coast, Braintree/Rockland/Plymouth outcalls!)
👑💲👑💲👑💲👑💲KING Like TrEAtMeNT👑💲👑💲WiTH A BEAUTIFULLL BLONDE 👑💲👑💲👑💲👑💲👑💲 - 24
(South Coast, OUTCALLS ONLY............)
➸➢➸ A RARE JEWEL TO FIND ✳♦♚♦✳ Amazing Personality ✶BIG Bouncy BOOTY ✶ BeATiFULl ♞ - 22
(Worcester, Incall Worcester - /Outcall - everywhere)
👉Lίmίτεd Edίτίoη 💎 1ØØ% REAL ✔️ 【 H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð 】💋 Upscαℓε ρℓαγmαtε 💋 - 22
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, North Shore, OUTCALLS ONLY !, South Coast, South Shore)
100% Itailan come keep warm with me💞Call Now ☎ outcalls SPECIALS - 20
(Randolph , Stoughton , Boston , Brockton, South Coast)
sexy Latina snow bunny....ready to make your while worth it/100$ special incalls only!! - 23
(South Coast, southshore)
SeXy PeTiTe WoMen HeRe To Make your dreams come true 508-857-7511 - 24
(South Coast, Brockton RTE 24)
💕💜💞💚💕💛💞💙 SEDUCTIVE 💜💞BLONDE💞💗 BEAUTY 💞💜💕💚💞💛💞💙 - 24
(South Coast, I Come To You............ Out calls Only)
Consummate Gratification - 24
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Cape Cod, Metro West, North Shore, Northwest/Merrimack, Orlando, Nationally By Request, South Coast, South Shore, Springfield, Worcester)
➸➢➸ A RARE JEWEL TO FIND ✳♦♚♦✳ Amazing Personality ✶BIG Bouncy BOOTY ✶ BeATiFULl ♞ - 22
(Cape Cod, Incall (Hyannis / Yarmouth))
5'3 120lb Real Petite 100% Asian * Gentlemen's Choice * Sensual Exotic Classy * Available 24/7 - 22
(South Coast, Raynham, or Your Place Everywhere)
Kristy's Freaky * Synful* lippz mASSage@ more. Mmmm 15/20@30@1hr - 25
(Nahant, Saugus/Nahant/Marblehead/ All areas)
Jaw dropping looks/Tantalizing Talents ...All you desire can Come True - 38
(South Coast, Quincy/Braintree)
--:::-- $100 Snow Specials -:- All Night -:- $100 Snow Specials -:- All Night --:::-- - 25
(Boston / North Shore)
1-781-308-4091 hot snow bunnys ,wanna fufill your fantisy, all types of chickies, your choice - 23
(Brockton n surround towns)
***BEAUTIFUL Brazilian EXOTIC princess JUST VISITING $80$$ sPeCiAlS !! - 23
(incall seekonk east prov taunton, South Coast)
➸➢➸ A RARE JEWEL TO FIND✳♦♚♦✳ Amazing Personality ✶ BIG Bouncy BOOTY ✶ BeAuTiFULl ♞ - 22
(South Coast, incall (Dedham) / outcall)
April Is Up Waiting on You! Early Morning Specials Til 7AM! - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Foxboro/Walpole/Dedham)
ALEXIS. Kissable, beautiful, mature, great company, Cape and South Coast areas, incall/outcall - 40
(Cape and South Coast)
*= ==ABSALUTELY. ....... *AMAZING~+..... ++++.. . !!!!!! - 21
(Foxboro, In call Rte 495, 24 South...out everywhe)
Fri 03 Jan
o:*'""*:.o ❤ ENJOY ~~'''~~A~~'''~~ MAGIC ~~'''~~~'''~~ TOUCH ❤ o.:*'""*:o - 20
(South Coast)
💖NeW In ToWn 💋☆ BaD NeVeR LooKeD THiS Good 💋 ☆100% ReAl Pics - MoDeL MaTeRiaL 💖 - 19
(Brockton, Brockton incalls $100 special)
NewPics💯% Real 🎄🎅🎁Holiday fun🎁🎅🎄☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣🔥t!_☆ 💎🍹💋 GORGEOUS petite playmate - 23
(South Coast, incalls)
~~~Sexxiest Redhead in Town!!!~~~ Sincerely Yours SimplyRed!! Daytime Specials!!!! - 40
~~~Sexxiest Redhead in Town!!!~~~ Sincerely Yours SimplyRed!! $125 Eve Specials!!! - 40
P_ _R _ F_ _C_T __ _BoDY! _ ( ( ( rotic) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e! Late nite special - 21
(South Coast, ONSET)
*¨¨*-:¦: Real & Independent-: ¦:-* Well Reviewed -:¦:- Senior Men Specials -:¦:- - 20
(Fall River, Outcalls All Over)
Merry Christmas Gentlemen however you want it daddy in /out up all nite ILL BE WAITING - 24
(in/out whereever u like babe)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat - 19
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, In town)
NEW * ♥_P_L_E_A _S_U _R_E ●❣● P_R_I_N _C_E_S_S_♥ R€ÅDY_ R!GHT_ NØW! - 25
(South Coast, All surrounding areas)
***Melanie*** Im Y0uR #1Ch0ice ♥ Pr€ttY ♥ F@C€ ♥ Sm@LL W@IsT ♥ JuIcY BØØTY ♥ Mixd LatinA B0mbshelL - 21
(South Coast, south coast outs only)
Itailian dream! Late night snack😜💦outcall - 20
(Boston, Boston (outcall), Boston/Camb/Brook, South Coast)
💖🍭Yum Yum 💖🍭🍌CⓞMⓔ ☆Ge T🍭Yo U👅 §ⓞmⓔ 🍭 New in town ✦💞 BeAutIFuL💞✦✦ AMAZiNG SKiLLS💖 - 24
(South Coast, Incalls off 93 rt3 braintree ❤️ 💋❤️)
❄❄💕❄❄💕❄❄💕 ALL AmERiCaN❄💕❄ BLoNDe BeAUtY ❄❄💕❄❄💕❄❄💕 - 24
(South Coast, I Come To You............ Out calls Only)
➸➢➸ A RARE JEWEL TO FIND✳♦♚♦✳ Amazing Personality ✶BIG Bouncy BOOTY ✶ BeATiFULl ♞ - 22
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcalls 857-244-9134)
^~•♥•~^~ ~^~ ╠╣ E•♥•ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIE ~^~•♥•~^ DReAMs BeCoME ReAlitY!! - 21
(Plymouth, INCALL HYANNIS/outcalls cape cod)
BEST 👅👅👅 'N Town 👙💕🍓 Better Then Her↙️Her↗️& Her 🍒 Dont Believe It Try Me🍭🍬 - 23
(South Coast, outcalls to your place)